Registro en XVI congreso de la SEEC

31 Ene 2023

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Datos personales

Universidad de Barcelona/University of Liverpool
Passatge de Nogués, 26
Código Postal*
Título de la comunicación o cartel
Copying One’s Own Copy. The Copyist as Author in Hexameter Papyri/Copiar su propia copia. El copista como autor de poesia hexamétrica en papiro
Resumen de la comunicación o cartel
This paper explores the idiosyncracies that authors of hexameter poetry on papyrus exhibit in copying their own poems. The paper will focus on autographs, i.e. examples of papyrus poems where author and copyist coincide, across the different genres expressed in hexameter poetry. It will address the following questions: in what way does the scribe’s attitude towards his own poetry differ from that of professional scribes copying poetry on behalf of somebody else? What are the main characteristics of autographs in hexameter poetry and what are poetic genres represented? What scribal licences does the copyist of autographs use in the process of copying hexameter texts and what are the repercurssions for the manuscript layout and overall bibliology? In order to answer these questions, we will take a fresh look at a number of papyri from the archive of Dioscorus and individual items from the collection Adespota Papyracea Hexametra Graeca, in particular P.Ross. Georg. I 11 Hymn to Dionysus, PSI XV 1482 Hymn to Eirene, P.Oxy. VII 1015 Encomium of Theon, P.Oxy. XXXVII 2816 Cosmogony, P.Wash. Univ. II 70 col. ii 1-2/3r Excerpt from Encomium, P.Oxy. 3537 Ethopoea and Hymn to Antinoos, and P.Berol. 10559. Please note: this paper will be co-authored by Antonella Carbone and Marco Perale
Bibliografía citada en resumen
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Coordinador sesión monográfica
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Resumen de la intervención del coordinador (si fuera diferente del de toda la sesión)
Bibliografía citada en resumen de la sesión
Justificante de pago inscripción al congreso*
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